
The “Neftekhim LTD” L.L.P. (ТОО «Компания Нефтехим LTD»)

The successful performance of Kompaniya Neftekhim LTD LLP is largely determined by the qualification level of its employees able to respond to changing market requirements in a timely manner in order to achieve the Company strategic goals and objectives.

The company has a personnel development program which includes training, retraining and professional development of employees. To implement this personnel development program a training center is involved, appropriate conditions have been created; there are theoretical training classrooms equipped with modern multimedia training facilities.

Neftekhim actively participates in the implementation of social partnership projects. Since 2014 the dual form of education has been successfully implemented in Pavlodar Chemical and Mechanical College and Pavlodar Technological College.

Moreover, in 2022 Neftekhim and Pavlodar Polytechnic Higher College concluded an agreement on dual training according to which students undergo 60 % of practical and theoretical training at the production site and 40 % at the college. In order to build a dual training system curricula were revised, changes were made in the number of hours of theoretical and practical training, special clothing and personal protective equipment were purchased. Experienced mentors are assigned to all students.

Since 2022 Toraighyrov University has been participating in the dual training project for specialities 6B07108 “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”, 6B07204 “Oil and Gas Engineering”, 6B07102 “Mechanical Engineering”, 6B07106 “Electrical Power Engineering”.

Within the framework of the Joint Operation Agreement a 4-party Memorandum between Neftekhim, Secondary School named after Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov, Pavlodar Technological College and Toraighyrov University was signed. An agreement was also concluded in order to create a branch of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Department in Neftekhim. That was done to improve training quality of specialists with higher education on the basis of maximum approximation of the educational process to real production, effective use of human and material/technical capabilities of the enterprise, conduct joint research works involving students, professional development of teaching staff and Neftekhim employees.

Over the years of collaboration Neftekhim has sponsored educational institutions to create a training laboratory for polypropylene processing. Such a collaboration with educational institutions gives a positive result, almost 80 % of graduates trained under the dual system showed a high level of knowledge and were employed at the plant.

To onboard the hired employees successfully an adaptation program has been developed that facilitates process of engagement into work collective, adoption of established norms of relationships, helps to master the system of professional knowledge and skills.

Thus, special attention is paid to replenishing Neftekhim staff with young specialists, graduates of universities and colleges, who are able to quickly adapt to new technologies and master new information. More than 50% of annually hired employees are young specialists. When hired, each young specialist is assigned a mentor from among highly qualified employees of the plant.

Neftekhim annually organises excursions for 1 and 2 year students of colleges and students of the sponsored school in order to consolidate general theoretical knowledge on the chosen speciality as well as acquaintance with the plant. Neftekhim chief specialists participate in examination boards evaluating diploma projects of the region leading university and college graduates.
2024-04-19 19:46