Neftekhim grievance committee members have successfully completed training on Grievance Committee. Labor Disputes at the Enterprise. Conflict Management. at Toraigyrov University. This training was a significant step to improve the skills of our specialists and improve the management of labor relations in the organization.

The lectures were conducted by highly qualified experts:
- Askar Kapanov, Head of Department of the Committee of State Labor Inspection Committee of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar region, who highlighted important aspects of grievance committees and their role in preventing conflicts at the workplace.
- Gaziza Sultanovna, head of the department, who shared valuable experience and practical recommendations on resolving labor disputes.
During the training, the participants learned the basics of conflict management, mechanisms for effective resolution of labor disputes and the importance of the grievance committee in maintaining job well-being at the enterprise. The knowledge and skills acquired will help us to respond more effectively to emerging difficulties and find optimal solutions for all parties.
- Askar Kapanov, Head of Department of the Committee of State Labor Inspection Committee of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar region, who highlighted important aspects of grievance committees and their role in preventing conflicts at the workplace.
- Gaziza Sultanovna, head of the department, who shared valuable experience and practical recommendations on resolving labor disputes.
During the training, the participants learned the basics of conflict management, mechanisms for effective resolution of labor disputes and the importance of the grievance committee in maintaining job well-being at the enterprise. The knowledge and skills acquired will help us to respond more effectively to emerging difficulties and find optimal solutions for all parties.