On November 14 in honor of World Quality Day our Company, Kompaniya Neftekhim LTD LLP, was invited to a ceremonial meeting organized by the Pavlodar branch of the National Center for Expertise and Certification (NACEC). This day reminded us that quality is not just a standard but the foundation of success, the engine of development and our responsibility to customers and society. That is why it was a great honor for us to receive the Quality Leader badge and a diploma for our contribution to the development of the industry and impeccable compliance with standards.
At this event our Company was represented by Deputy Director for Quality Marina M. Pegina and Chief Metrologist Svetlana V. Kalantaeva - real professionals who help us to become better every day.
This award is the result of the work of our entire team! We are proud to prove that a high standard is not a goal but a path that we follow every day.